How to Save Money by Sharing Vacations

Sharing Vacations

Maximize your travel budget by sharing vacations. Explore tips on splitting costs and enjoying group trips without breaking the bank

Going on vacation with friends or family can be twice as enjoyable Share costs when you can, but also make sure to keep some things private.


  1. Ensure everyone in your group agrees on the vacation’s timing, location, transportation, and budget.
  2. Look for a vacation rental home that fits your group. Choose carefully, as this is where you can save the most money. Make sure there are enough rooms for some privacy. You can search online for
  3. vacation rentals by typing “vacation homes” or “vacation rentals” along with the location or ask a travel agent.
  4. Use as few cars as possible and share rental and gas costs. Share the cost of renting recreational vehicles and gear. Split the grocery bill or take turns buying and making meals. Share the cost of babysitters if needed.
  5. Take advantage of group discounts at amusement parks, zoos, concerts, sports events, and museums.
  6. Don’t forget to bring your video camera and have fun!


  • Contact a travel agent to arrange a group tour or vacation if your group is large.
  • If planning a short getaway, consider renting a vacation home for a week and splitting the days with others. You’ll save considerably over the weekend or at the daily rental rate.
  • If sharing a vacation doesn’t appeal to you, consider buying a time-share or trading vacations with someone else – they stay in your home while you stay in theirs.


  • Remember, sharing your vacation means compromising your choice of video rentals, movies, events, restaurants, etc.
  • Too much “togetherness” can be overbearing. Ensure each couple or family has at least one bedroom at the rental home.

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