How to Save Money by Carpooling to Work

Save Money by Carpooling to Work


  1. First, try to establish a carpool with someone from your own company. Contact your human relations department to see if it provides carpooling links or information.
  2. Sign up with the National Rideshare Registration Service. You can find the link under Related Sites.
  3. Look up “Carpool” in the business section of your phone book.
  4. Look up your state’s Department of Transportation on the phone book’s government pages.
  5. Put up an ad on your workplace or community bulletin board. Screen callers carefully.
  6. Advertise online with The Commuters’ Register. It currently covers the East Coast and is free. (See Related Sites.)
  7. Choose someone who lives near you and works around the same hours.
  8. Discuss the basics. Will you take turns driving, or will someone drive, and the other pays? What will the payment schedule be?
  9. Establish a schedule. Make a rule – the carpool only waits 5 minutes past the schedule for latecomers.
  10. Agree on rules for food, the radio, and smoking. Make a backup plan for days when someone needs to leave early or stay late.. Many carpool registries have programs that offer taxi rides home when you’re stuck.


Be on time. Let others know in advance if you’re not going to work or if you’re going on vacation. Don’t run errands with people who carpool with you. Take care of your car and keep it filled with gas so you don’t have to stop and make others late. Vanpools are another choice. Contact local transportation agencies or ask your employer if vanpools are available

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