How to Save Money by Sharing Child Care

Search cost-effective tips on sharing child care services with other families to save money while ensuring quality care for your child.

Childcare costs can be cut into your paycheck. Think about sharing child care with a trusted friend or two. Youโ€™ll save money, and the nanny will earn a higher hourly wage.


  1. Meet with friends who are interested in sharing childcare.
  2. Discuss the type of nanny you want. Consider finding care independently if your parenting styles and expectations differ too much.
  3. Decide where the childcare will take place.
  4. Agree on the nanny’s pay. For example, if the usual rate is $8 per hour per child, you pay $6 each. This saves you money while giving the nanny a higher overall rate.
  5. Use a nanny referral service or search online to find candidates.
  6. Start interviewing nannies. Check references carefully and watch how they interact with the children.
  7. Hire a nanny everyone agrees on.
  8. Hold a meeting before the nanny starts. Clarify expectations, such as household chores, pay for extra hours, or transportation needs.
  9. Enjoy your shared childcare arrangement!


  • Avoid disagreements by ironing out all the details of the arrangement beforehand.
  • Put the extra few dollars you are saving per hour into a college fund for your child.
  • Full-time day-care co-ops are rare, but there are some out there. Check in your phone book.


  • Some landlords don’t like group childcare arrangements. Consult an attorney to determine your rights.
  • Factor in the cost of household employment taxes (Social Security, Medicare), which you’ll need to pay for a nanny who cares for children in your home—unless you hire through an agency that agrees to pay on the nanny’s behalf

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